Thursday, January 22, 2009


I just had to deal with an angry student here at work. And he's angry for no real reason. Apparently, he got a bad grade on an essay exam and his teacher (whom I've had before) won't let him see the essay. In reality, where the rest of us live, the teacher was teaching a class right after the student demanded to see his test and the teacher could not access it. The student got upset and wanted to see the division chairperson of the division the teacher works in. According to the school's bylaws, the teacher has the right to keep tests but has to allow the student to see them. This student wants to make a copy of the test so he can use it to study for the next test. But this particular teacher does not base future tests on previous ones. So the student is getting upset over nothing because making a copy of the test will not do him any good. And, because he's so angry, he's making everybody that he deals with incredibly frustrated. I hate when that happens.

Also, I read my friend Libby's blog this morning about how frustrated she was having to wait in line at the Social Security Office in order to get paperwork to go on disability. She recently had a blood clot in her leg that has managed to cause some pretty severe problems for her and her doctors thought it best to put her on disability for the time being. Anyway, her ranting blog about the Social Security System became a ranting blog about immigrants and Americans. I won't go into specific detail, but it definitely made me think about how our nation needs to come down harsher on illegal immigrants. I've always felt that way, especially since I started paying taxes. I'm doing everything by the book, and yet, these people who come here illegally are able to get Social Security numbers and driver's licenses? This is where MY hard earned money is going? WTF Uncle Sam? And it also made me think about a complaint that my mom has always had: seniors immigrating to America AFTER they've retired from their jobs in their home country and reaping the benefits of MY hard earned Social Security benefits. Again, WTF Uncle Sam? It doesn't make any sense. Ugh.

On a better note, I'm doing surprisingly well in my classes. Actually, I'm doing exceedingly well. Like, getting 95% on my tests well. That makes me happy. I'm well on my way to raising that GPA!

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