...it's called, "Shoes." I love shoes. I'm practically Carrie Bradshaw when it comes to shoes. I have approximately 40 pairs of shoes. Some of them I don't even wear but I keep them "just in case." Ugh. But they're so pretty. These pairs pictured are my newest babies. I love red shoes and I've always wanted a nice pair of wedges. Plain and simple. Ugh...I'm a shoeaholic.
On another note, I heard today that my friend, Kim, who's in the Peace Corps and serving in Africa, is seriously ill. Malaria, and a possible kidney infection. It's taking a lot of energy to force myself not to cry in the middle of my english class. I don't want people to think I'm crazy (and I don't want my teacher to know that I'm not doing my english work). I'm really worried about her...I'm praying that she gets better and Kim, if you're reading this, I love you and miss you and hope you get better soon. I feel like you're called to do this and you can't give up. PLEASE STAY SAFE!!!
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