After a rather stressful week last week, things are looking up. I last mentioned that my dear friend Kim was sick in Africa and I just heard that she's getting better, which makes me happy.
After I wrote in my blog last week, I had issues with my bank. I applied for a scholarship through my church and received the check a week ago this past Sunday. Well, turns out that the church had some checks stolen from the account that my check came from. The church had to close that account and open a new account. They told the bank that it was ok for certain checks to be paid (including mine) but the rest of them were not (there were about 8 checks stolen in total). I guess someone made a mistake and thought that my check was one of the stolen ones (the number of my check was one digit off from the ones that were stolen). So when that happened, my bank froze my account due to "suspicious activity" and were prepared to close my account. I didn't find out about this until Wednesday of last week when I went to use my debit card at Taco Bell and it was denied. I thought it was just because the check didn't clear and went to an ATM to take money out of my savings and the same thing happened. I called the bank and that's when the whole mess started for me.
I went to the bank and asked what was going on and they said that this particular check was going to be returned because of the fact that the account was closed. Ugh. So now, after a week of constant calls to my bank, constant calls to the church, and another trip to my bank, I finally have everything straightened out and can access my money again. I used to think that it was frustrating when I didn't have money at all but I've come to find out that it's even MORE frustrating when you do have money, but no access to it.
Now, for the show. We open one week from today and although I feel like we're right where we need to be, I'm still stressed. Mostly because earlier this week, our Stage Manager decided not to show up to rehearsal for the mere fact that she got into an argument with someone and I guess pretty much ended their friendship. I get that she was upset by what happened, but I seriously don't feel like it's a reason to miss rehearsal. I mean, I broke up with my boyfriend and was still able to make it to rehearsal. Anyway, because of this particular fight, she was thinking about going back home to Washington and made it sound like she was going to completely ditch the show, which would've left me in charge of practically everything. I did not sign up for that. But now it looks as though she is going to at least stay through the show so I'm happy about that because that means that I can be backstage during the show and help the actors with quick changes and anything else they might need.
This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I'm glad that the ride is ending...hopefully.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I think I have a problem...'s called, "Shoes." I love shoes. I'm practically Carrie Bradshaw when it comes to shoes. I have approximately 40 pairs of shoes. Some of them I don't even wear but I keep them "just in case." Ugh. But they're so pretty. These pairs pictured are my newest babies. I love red shoes and I've always wanted a nice pair of wedges. Plain and simple. Ugh...I'm a shoeaholic.
On another note, I heard today that my friend, Kim, who's in the Peace Corps and serving in Africa, is seriously ill. Malaria, and a possible kidney infection. It's taking a lot of energy to force myself not to cry in the middle of my english class. I don't want people to think I'm crazy (and I don't want my teacher to know that I'm not doing my english work). I'm really worried about her...I'm praying that she gets better and Kim, if you're reading this, I love you and miss you and hope you get better soon. I feel like you're called to do this and you can't give up. PLEASE STAY SAFE!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
This is why I love Grey's...
"At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. It’s like one day, you realize that the fairy tale might be slightly different than you dreamt. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it’s not so important that it’s a “happily ever after,” just that it’s a happy right now. See, once in awhile, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in awhile people may even take your breath away." –Meredith Grey
My friend posted this on my myspace at a time when I really needed it and I just found it again. It truly does reflect the feelings I had at the time she posted this quote.
My friend posted this on my myspace at a time when I really needed it and I just found it again. It truly does reflect the feelings I had at the time she posted this quote.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Moments of clarity during a severe lack of sleep...

I was driving to work today, listening to my iPod (thank God for the iPod hookup in my car, otherwise I'd be stuck listening to crappy music on the radio) when a song that I first heard as a child came on. It was "My Wild Irish Rose." It's an Irish folk song that is often sung in Barber Shop choirs. In fact, that's my first memory of the song. My Godfather, Fred (Uncle Fred) was in a Barber Shop choir (for those of you on the up and up in music, he was a member of the Valleyaires, located in the San Fernando Valley) and I remember going to one of his concerts many, many years ago and hearing that song for the first time.
Anytime I hear that song, I seem to think of him. Well, today, I got to thinking about the last time I saw him. It was about six years ago (about six months before he died) and my high school's Chamber Choir had the privilege of singing at one of the Valleyaires' concerts. It was an amazing experience to be performing with not only a choir that I had seen regularly as a child, but more importantly, performing with my Uncle Fred. I actually didn't realize that was the last time I saw him until today. I think I saw him shortly before he died, but I can't be sure and if I did, I don't remember it. This was the last time I remember seeing him. It made me smile to think that the last time I remember seeing him was a time in which we were both happy and enjoying what we do.
This is how I will remember my Uncle Fred. Happy, and full of life. I will also remember him as Santa because every year when I was a kid, he would dress up as Santa at our Christmas parties and spend time with each of the kids there. In later years, when my sister went into her group home and the home would have Christmas parties, he would come to those too and play Santa and get a kick out of how happy he made people. He was a truely inspiring man and I was so privileged to have known him the way I did.
Rest in Peace, Uncle Fred. You are greatly missed.
Your Wild Irish Rose
Anytime I hear that song, I seem to think of him. Well, today, I got to thinking about the last time I saw him. It was about six years ago (about six months before he died) and my high school's Chamber Choir had the privilege of singing at one of the Valleyaires' concerts. It was an amazing experience to be performing with not only a choir that I had seen regularly as a child, but more importantly, performing with my Uncle Fred. I actually didn't realize that was the last time I saw him until today. I think I saw him shortly before he died, but I can't be sure and if I did, I don't remember it. This was the last time I remember seeing him. It made me smile to think that the last time I remember seeing him was a time in which we were both happy and enjoying what we do.
This is how I will remember my Uncle Fred. Happy, and full of life. I will also remember him as Santa because every year when I was a kid, he would dress up as Santa at our Christmas parties and spend time with each of the kids there. In later years, when my sister went into her group home and the home would have Christmas parties, he would come to those too and play Santa and get a kick out of how happy he made people. He was a truely inspiring man and I was so privileged to have known him the way I did.
Rest in Peace, Uncle Fred. You are greatly missed.
Your Wild Irish Rose
PS: In the picture he is in the first row on the very far right...the one that kind of looks like, you guessed it, Santa.
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