Yesterday was not the greatest day for me. To begin with, at the beginning of this week, I broke up with my boyfriend. And although I still love him, I feel that it was the right thing to do. He's taking it better than I had expected and we will try to remain friends, which is good. I feel bad that I broke up with him over a myspace message but in all honesty, I had no idea when I was going to see or talk to him in order to do it in person so really, that was my only option. But more importantly, I got the chance to express how I was feeling without him interupting me, which is what I needed. He read the message the next day and I feel like he didn't read the letter in its entirety (sp?) because he continued to ask me questions in which the answers were obviously stated (some of them 4 or 5 times) in the letter. Oh well. Although I'm sad about it, I know it was the right thing to do and I'm moving on.
After the whole "break up," I was just not in a good mood (as smoothly as it went, I'm still upset about it). Anything that anyone said or did yesterday just seemed to annoy the shit out of me (I also attribute these little annoyances to PMS but it seemed to be heightened after the events of Tuesday night). Take this girl in my math class:
I have a pretty cool math teacher (for those of you attending GCC, take Hassett, he's really cool!) and the way he takes attendance and checks that we did our homework is by giving us a little quiz in which he takes 2 problems from the homework that we are supposed to copy from our homework onto a blank sheet of paper. We cannot copy the problem from the book, it has to be from OUR homework. If you didn't do the homework or arrive late, you have to write your name on a blank piece of paper. So this girl gets caught copying the problems from her friend/neighbor's homework, NOT hers. The teacher sees this and proceeds to ask her to see HER homework which she does not turn up. He takes the sheet and rips it up and makes it rather clear that if she does it again, she's out of not just his class, but out of GCC (I believe his exact words were, "If I catch you doing it again, I will make sure that you can't get into any California Community College ever again." That's how serious he is about cheating). She, for whatever reason (maybe too much peroxide has seeped into her brain), can't seem to understand that she basically cheated and proceeds to ask why he tore up her homework quiz. After that whole thing was cleared up, it seemed like anything she said in class yesterday was THE DUMBEST COMMENT ALIVE!!! I wanted to punch her in the face every time she opened her mouth. It's like, the teacher would say something like, "2 + 2 = 4," and like 10 minutes later, she would ask, "Is 2 + 2, 4?" It was the most annoying thing ever. I hate it when people don't listen!!! Ugh. Anyway, I just needed to vent that.
On a different note, my dad got beat up by a 2 x 4 this past weekend. This pic is the result of what happened. We have an old house and my dad needed to re-enforce a wall so that we could hang our flat screen TV above our fireplace. The structure he built was perfectly level, but due to our house's age, the wall is not. He was placing the last piece between the ceiling and another piece and on one end, it fit but it was off about half an inch on the other end. He tried to force it into place and when he realized that it wasn't going to work, he pried the piece off and it fell and hit him smack dab on the eye. Now he has a VERY black eye, with about a one inch gash just above the eye. No concussion, just a big black eye. But a few nights later, he showed that piece of wood who was boss...
1 comment:
Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear about everything that's been going on with you lately, Marianne. Ick, too much going on all at once is never good. :(
But that girl you mentioned...that is one of the reasons I'm so glad I'm out of GCC. You perfectly described some of the people I just couldn't wait to get away from. Yikes, what a dumbass.
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