Before I start, let me just say that if you don't want to hear me bitch and complain, don't read any further.
Before I even got to work this morning, people were pissing me off. I was driving to work and I got to an intersection where my light was red. I was looking around and I saw this guy walking. The thing about it though was that he was walking across the street when his light (also mine) was red. It really pissed me off because it made me think that if this guy gets hit by a car crossing the intersection legally, it's gonna be the driver's fault because "The pedestrian always has the right of way." WTF man? So, even when this guy is breaking the law and being a dumb ass idiot, it's the driver's fault for hitting him. I HATE that. So right away, my day started off with me getting mad.
Then, I get to work. Currently, I have posted 22 class cancellations on the school website and with those cancellations, I have to fill out faculty absence sheets, class cancellation notices to go on the classroom door, and take (thankfully not all 22) them to their locations. That's not such a bad thing because that's happened before, but the thing that gets me angry about some of these teachers is that:
1. Sometimes, they neglect to give me important information, like, their name or the class they teach. This causes me to have to search around for the teacher's name or class which takes up time and makes me irritated because these teachers are supposed to be competent enough to know that we can't just assume we know who's talking on the phone.
2. They sometimes give me the wrong class information or location. Like, this morning I had a chemistry teacher call in sick and she said that her class was located in one room but it was in another room, which then caused me to have to go back and post another notice on the correct room.
3. A lot of times, teachers call in at the last possible minute, literally, to cancel their class. I HATE THAT MOST OF ALL! Because not only does it make me have to go to the class and announce that their class is cancelled, but then I have to answer questions like, "Why do you wait until the last minute to post these?" and "How far in advance are teachers supposed to call in their absence?" and deal with disgruntled students because this is their only class that they had today and they drove 20 miles in the rain to get here and now they don't have a reason to be here. I feel like saying to them, "Tell this to your douche bag teacher because I didn't get the call until two minutes before I showed up," but I'm too nice, plus I'm pretty sure I'd get penalized by my boss for saying something like that.
But, on days like these when I'm angry, my co-workers make it better by playing loud disco music, as Sonik just did as I was writing this. They're definately the reason why I haven't quit yet because if I had to deal with crummy co-workers AND crummy teachers, I would've quit long ago.
That is my rant for the day. Hope you've enjoyed it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009

After 3 LONG years of searching for the name of the most delicious tasting pastry I've ever had, I have succeeded! It's called Kürtőskalács. The english translation is: Stove Cake. It's a Hungarian pastry that comes from the Transylvanian region of Hungary. They are typically eaten at celebratory events like weddings and Christenings but they are frequently sold to tourists in Budapest, which is where I fell in love with this delicious gift from heaven. You have no idea how incredibly excited I am about this!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Share the good news! Celebration!
A few months ago, I posted a blog about my Aunt Cheryl and how she was given one year to live. There was cancer found in the lining of her brain and it was inoperable. She decided to undergo radiation therapy. Then, about a month ago, she was told that she had lost 90% of her kidney function and that kidney failure was going to kill her before the cancer would. Her doctors took her off most of the medication she was on and hoped for the best. Well, I am now proud to say that as of her last PET scan and blood work, there is no signs of cancer in the brain and she is gaining function back in her kidneys! The doctor said that her "death sentence" has been lifted! This is the best news I've received in a long time. It seemed like everytime she went into her doctor's office during the past 2 or 3 months, she was receiving bad news about her condition. And although the doctor told her that the specific chemotherapy she has to take for the cancer is running out, it doesn't matter because she now has longer than 1 year to live! BEST NEWS I'VE RECEIVED ALL WEEK!!!!
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