In recent weeks, I've realized that I have become somewhat of a hermit. I guess it's mostly due to the fact that I'm trying rather hard to keep my grades up. Since the last summer session, I've been averaging a 3.0 GPA, however, due to my past laziness, my overall GPA is currently a 2.94. But all is not lost. If everything goes according to my plan, I should have a 3.0 by the end of the semester (possibly higher if I get a C on that Poli Sci final that I had to makeup earlier this week. I took an "incomplete" for one of my Poli Sci classes that I took in fall because at the end of the semester I got incredibly sick and missed like 2 weeks of class). So, for now, this is my life.
As much as I am loving the fact that I am getting good grades, I've come to realize that I miss socializing with people. I seem to have distanced myself from the people around me and am in this sort of state of "friend limbo," as I like to call it because I don't feel connected to the people I usually hang out with anymore. I've come to think that maybe I don't fit in anymore because I have a different plan than they do. And by that, I mean that my plan is to actually move on from a community college. I seem to get frustrated with them when they don't go to their classes, but I feel like I shouldn't judge them because it was not that long ago that I was the same way. I think this is also contributing to my "hermit-ness."
I've also been looking into the colleges that I want to apply to. Doing this is getting me so excited to transfer. Right now, my top two choices are UCLA and Occidental (they're really tied for first at this point), followed by Berkeley. And the more colleges I look at, the more I feel the need to apply to not just one or two, but I feel I should apply to like 10 just to make sure that I get in somewhere (because I have this fear that the schools will look at my past grades and say, "She's had a lot of withdrawls and a couple of F's, I don't think we should let her in"). I'm just being prepared I guess.
I wish I could say that my life is more exciting right now, but really, this is about it. And, thus, I'm ending this blog abruptly.